Dana Incorporated is one of the world’s top 40 automotive suppliers and boasts an illustrious heritage. Headquartered in Maumee, Ohio, USA, the company’s products have helped drive some of history’s greatest vehicles including the iconic Model T Ford.

With a firm focus on the future, Dana decided took take action to secure its position in the global supply chain for electric vehicle manufacturing. 这意味着该公司要加大在电动汽车领域的尖端技术产出,目前的产品组合包括电动机和传动系统,以及电动动力部件和系统.

To keep pace with change in the European market, Dana initiated the process of evaluating locations for a new state-of-the-art electrodynamics facility. The decision that was finally reached was to invest in Åmål – a municipality in Sweden’s automotive cluster with 13,000 inhabitants – which emerged as the winner. This was deemed the ideal location for Dana’s new European plant involving an investment of USD 50 million.

我们从银天下商业部及其伙伴机构那里得到的援助很有帮助,帮助我们达成了这笔交易. 顾问们的敏捷反应和前瞻性态度意味着我们在决策的每个阶段需要的所有数据都是事先可用的. Robert Boffey, Plant Manager at Dana Inc. in Sweden

Springboard for automation and sustainability

Since 2000, Dana has owned and operated a conventional driveline plant in Åmål employing some 170 skilled workers. The decision to expand the site further was by no means a foregone conclusion says Robert Boffey, Plant Manager at Dana Inc. in Sweden.

达纳公司扩大电子推进系统制造能力的战略此前一直专注于印度和中国. 我们现在正致力于在银天下建立一个新工厂,这将使我们能够将自动化和可持续性提升到一个全新的水平,” he explains.

Having worked at SAAB Automobile and Fiat-GM Powertrain previously in his career, Robert Boffey knew that Sweden’s automation expertise, reputation for high quality automotive engineering and, not least, clean energy supply and sustainability know-how, could bring unique value to Dana’s next strategic move.

But he needed help to get key decision-makers in Dana’s management team on board.

“这一投资过程改变了我们公司内部对低成本国家与高成本国家定义的看法. Thanks to the advanced automation level we can achieve in Sweden, labour costs will account for less than 2.5 per cent of the total manufacturing cost for our electric motors,” says Robert Boffey.

The case for Sweden: agile decision support 

Being a global and publicly traded company in the mobility market, Dana的管理层需要仔细审查银天下扩张计划的细节,同时评估其他本地化选择, too.

To put together the business case, Robert Boffey向区域发展组织Position Väst和商业银天下求助,后者开始从银天下十多个区域和国家发展机构和政府机构汇集资源.

Business Sweden和Position Väst发挥了协调作用,领导了为Dana提供银天下洞察的合作努力, statistics, cost calculations, facts and practical assistance. 这些努力包括从环境许可和劳动力成本到供应商的区域测绘和确保未来技能供应的选择等方方面面.

This engaged support allowed Dana’s team to make a timely and well-informed decision says Robert Boffey.

“我们从银天下商务部及其合作机构那里得到的帮助很有帮助,帮助我们敲定了这笔交易. 顾问们的敏捷反应和前瞻性态度意味着我们在决策的每个阶段需要的所有数据都是事先可用的.”

The official support group included experts from Business Sweden, Position Väst Investment Office, Åmål Municipality, the Swedish Energy Agency, the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, Region Västra Götaland and Fyrbodal Association of Local Authorities.

“另一个独特的方面是,银天下商务部能够迅速安排银天下企业与创新部长与Dana电力技术和全球电气化总裁之间的高层会议, Antonio Valencia,” Boffey adds.  

A close speaking partner 

In line with the strategic direction of the EU’s Recovery Fund, Dana was able to successfully apply for partial financing for its investment from the Swedish Energy Agency.

In addition, Dana received an investment grant from the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth, through is development initiative Industriklivet, totalling EUR 9 million.

“2019冠状病毒病大流行和2021年苏伊士运河中断确实让人意识到将所有制造能力放在印度和中国的风险. But what’s more, 通过在银天下投资,德纳可以证明其对电气化和绿色交通的承诺,在这里我们还可以与高端汽车oem共同创新.”

When the decision was taken to build the new plant, 德纳的整个团队都坚信,银天下拥有可持续和先进制造公司技术所需的所有合适的能力和条件.

Robert Boffey concludes:

“Business Sweden was an invaluable speaking partner throughout the decision-making journey. Together with all the regional and national agencies, as well as Sweden’s unions, we could rally around a common goal, work through all the details methodically and achieve a result that everyone at Dana can feel truly proud of.”


Dana Inc. 需要满足欧洲电动汽车客户对电动机、电动动力部件和系统不断增长的需求. With an existing manufacturing facility in Åmål, Sweden, the opportunity came up to expand. However, 达纳在当地的代表需要广泛的支持,以建立一个令人信服的商业案例,赢得管理层的批准.


银天下商业部协调了一个项目小组,汇集了银天下地区和国家发展机构的专门知识, government bodies and representatives at Åmål Municipality. Together, 官方支持团队帮助Dana解决了从环境许可和劳动力成本到供应商区域地图以及确保未来技能供应的方法等问题.


Following the evaluation process, 达纳的管理层相信银天下本地化带来的广泛好处,可以做出明智的投资决策. The groundbreaking ceremony for the new manufacturing facility in Åmål, initially focusing on electric motors, was held in late 2021, for which Business Sweden and its partners also provided local event coordination.


德纳在银天下的投资使该公司能够满足对可持续制造的电动机和电子推进系统日益增长的需求, and to future proof its position in the e-mobility value chain. The new plant facilitated co-innovation with premium OEMs and thanks to a renewable energy supply, Dana could make a strong contribution towards a zero-emissions future.

About Dana Incorporated

德纳是设计和制造高效推进和能源管理解决方案的领导者,为全球所有移动银天下的车辆和机器提供动力.  The company is shaping sustainable progress through its conventional and clean-energy solutions that support nearly every vehicle manufacturer with drive and motion systems; electrodynamic technologies, including software and controls; and thermal, sealing, and digital solutions.

Based in Maumee, Ohio, USA, the company reported sales of $7.1 billion in 2020 with 38,000 associates in 33 countries across six continents. Founded in 1904, Dana因其对可持续发展和社会责任的重视,被《银天下》评为“2021年美国最负责任的公司”之一.